Ok...as I told you - my dear blog friends - some time ago... I´m totally addicted to facebook. And I have to say I think that´s the reason I became such bad blogger.
I´m working on new bears if I find the time...to be honest I HAVE to ;) as I´m working on a limited edition order.
But today I just want to send you this little HELLO.
With my newest technical "must-have" I just found some new oh so addictive things...
So if you´re still interested in MY VIEW ..take a lil time and see me at tumblr or steply.
You may find my pics at instagram too... just feel free to add me (mamaleone1)
And last but not least.... here´s one more great source of wonderful pics : http://weheartit.com/ - find me there as http://weheartit.com/RustyPrim
That´s it - would be fun to meet you there!