Freitag, 24. Juli 2009

Award and new baby

First I have to say THANK YOU to Tatjana for the award she gave to me .

This Award is given for:

- Encouragement for your own blog
- Brings a smile on your face, because it spreads so much joy
- is filled with lots of information
- this blog has just surprised you for some reason .

Put this award on your blog.
Nominate yourself 5 Blogs that you pass this on to do.
Tell them about it and enjoy their reactions.
Also please name the person who gave the award.

So I´ll choose the following for the award:

Ok...Last wednesday the boys went with my Parents in law to get their new baby-dog.
My P-i-l´s had a baby-beagle last yaer, but the ppor sweet Paula died from some poison with only 4 months.
This year they decided to get a dog again.
Here he is - Paul...also called Paule.
He´s 6 1/2 weeks old and the boys are so happy with him.

They will stay with my P-i-l´s this weekend and enjoy Paule and DH and me we will enjoy the weekend ;-))
We are going for some shopping and in the evening visit the little shop of horror with friends.

Did I mention my nes hobby???
I joined the new part of our Sportsclub - the Linedancers!

On sunday we are invited to one of our mebers. It´s her hubby´s birthday and she wants us to show some dances.

Well we are just beginners but having lots of fun.

3 Kommentare:

Olde Dame Penniwig hat gesagt…

Whata precious puppy!

Garden Antqs Vintage hat gesagt…

Thanks for the awared. What an honor. I'll post later this weekend.

Stephanie hat gesagt…

Was für ein lieber kleiner Kerl. Er hat sooo treue Augen.Es ist toll, wenn Kinder die Möglichkeit haben mit einem Hund aufzuwachsen. Wir hatten auch einen Familienhund und inzwischen haben meine Mädels jede 2 Hunde. Ich wünsch Euch ganz viel Spass mit ihm und dem Paule ein langes, glückliches Dackelleben.
ganz liebe Grüsse
von Steffi
ps. war zu faul alles in Englisch zu schreiben *GG*hoffe, das ist o.k.?